Together with partner companies, New Vivo is able to solve problems of any complexity
New Vivo is a system integrator in the Ukrainian market of information and communication services, focused on the sector of pharmaceutical and medical companies
→ Conferences;
Conference service:
→ Trainings;
→ Seminars;
→ Round tables;
→ Business breakfasts for the press;
→ Video conferencing;
Webcasts and online services:
→ Telebridges;
→ Webinars;
→ Educational lectures;
→ Business events for clients and partners;
Event - management :
→ Entertainment activities;
→ Team building trainings;
→ BTL & Consumer Promotion;
→ Individual and package tourist trips;
Vivo travel
→ Booking of hotels and transport services;
→ Travel insurance;
→ Organization of corporate travel;
→ Registration of participation in foreign congresses and conferences;
Our brands
Новий інтерактивний онлайн проект для лікарів в сучасному форматі.
Ідея проекту базується на обміні досвідом лідерів думок на різні медичні теми та включає дискусійну панель і вікторину.
Health Factor
Перший і єдиний в Україні медичний форум для тих, хто хоче піклуватись про своє здоров'я і здоров'я своєї родини професійно. Ми надамо Вам експертну думку провідних українських спеціалістів стосовно суперечливих питань.
Школи педіатрів
Способствует расширению связей между медицинскими сообществами Украины и Европы для внедрения в Украине международных стандартов оказания медико-социальной помощи детям и развития педиатрии в целом.
A new interactive online project for doctors in a modern format.
The idea of the project is based on the exchange of experiences of opinion leaders on various medical topics and includes a discussion panel and a quiz
Health Factor
The first and only medical forum in Ukraine for those who want to take care of their health and the health of their family professionally. We will provide you with the expert opinion of leading Ukrainian experts on controversial issues
Promotes the expansion of ties between the medical communities of Ukraine and Europe for the implementation in Ukraine of international standards for medical and social care for children and the development of pediatrics in general
Human and Medicine
Congress a unique platform for the exchange of experiences and major achievements in various fields of science and clinical practice, based on evidence-based medicine
Our advantages
Development of pharmaceutical marketing strategies
Practical solutions to the tasks
Introduction of high technologies in the practice of pharmaceutical companies
Prior to joining NEW VIVO, our specialists had a successful career and gained experience in leading international companies, specialized advertising and PR agencies. Today, our team's portfolio includes a large number of projects implemented in various fields: medicine, pharmaceutical industry, social projects, beauty and health industry, legal and financial services, business and industry.
- Tatiana Golub emphasized,
director of NEW VIVO.
  • Larisa Litvinenko
  • Oksana Melnik
  • Anna Stepanova
  • Olena Zhirnova
  • Maria Anistratenko
  • Anna Solovyova
  • Oresta Didukh
  • Anna Lyashenko
  • Natalia Pinak
Our clients
a meeting
Phone / fax
Kyiv, 13/135 Simona Petliura Street, office 23
© 2009-2021 New Vivo. All rights reserved.